Pedestrian Crossing (PCS)

Pedestrian Crossing (PCS)

System that offers traffic lights to forklift drivers warning them when there are pedestrians crossing. All the workers would be carrying personal tags which release signals that are detected by the RFID activator. The lights indicate when there are pedestrians in the proximity.

  • Minimizes risks resulting from collisions between forklifts and pedestrians in high-speed areas

  • Detection of trucks in the proximity of the traffic light

  • Easy installation & Durable and robust system components

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The System 

The Pedestrian Crossing Safety (PCS) solution is a traffic light device that signals pedestrian crossing to forklift drivers is present. Pedestrians are equipped with a set of tags or transponders transmitting light signals that an activator detects. The lights then signify the presence of pedestrians in the neighborhood.

The Function

Detection of trucks in the proximity of the traffic light

The Application

  • Zones to load and unload 
  • Areas of poor visibility between pedestrians and forklifts at junctions
  • Areas of heavy traffic by forklift

The Components

  • RFID activator
  • Traffic light
  • Personal tag

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Other Solutions

See what we specialize in and how we do it

Visual Alerts (VAS)

Informs  pedestrians and forklift operators in situations of dangers by projecting symbols on the floor

Projections on the ground provide better visibility than those projected above, much better than the widely used mirrors

Low Speed Area (LSA)

The Low Speed Area solution (LSA) places a limit on the speed at which a forklift circulates through different areas.

Prevents accidents that result from forklifts speeding in areas shared by forklifts and working personnel.

Traffic Control (TCS)

System regulating warehouse and floor traffic integrating gates, projectors, alert lights and sounder

Signal control and pedestrian/forklifts segregation systems are being of great benefit and the effects are very easily verifiable

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